Wednesday, October 1, 2008

In love with my spanky new camera!

Some people relate best to great sculpture. Or painting. Or theatre. For me, the art form that has always captured my imagination most is photography. I love the ability of talented photographers to capture a moment in time, be it the power of nature or the power of love. I'm irrevocably moved by the images of Ami Vitale and have become a renowned "blog-stalker" to the likes of Jules Bianchi and Emilie Sommer. Maybe it's that awareness of the fleeting nature of time that has become ever more pressing with each passing year or the commonality of the human experience that pervades every milestone moment, but the sense of connection that I experience when looking at images reaches me in a way that no other art form has ever done.

Never having considered myself "artistic," I have been intimidated for years at the idea of even attempting to create such art. But here I am, the proud new owner of a Canon 40D and two starter lenses! I am SO excited to begin the process of learning! Intimidated, but excited! I am not harboring any delusions of grandeur, I simply have a dream of more beautiful and poignant photographs of my friends and family. So here I go!

1 comment:

emilie said...

Hey! Meredith steered me toward your blog! Thanks so much for the mention, and CONGRATS on your new toy! Have fun!! Hugs!