Friday, February 13, 2009

A Rose By Any Other...

We have a name!!!!! Yay!!! Drum roll please...

Cuppa Photography

As in... a "cuppa" tea, or a "cuppa" joe, or "let's sit and have a cuppa and catch up on life." My hope is that it evokes the same kind of sense of warmth and comfort that we get from good friends, beloved childhood memories, and the kind of conversation that can only happen with a friend who sees your soul.

I bought a website template today, but am woefully short on images that are even goal is to launch by the end of March, so if you know someone who can use some photos, send them my way! I have a portfolio to build and skills to learn (that translates into...I'm cheap, so get me now at a big fat in I'm free...please please please let me take your picture!!!).

Have I mentioned that I have 3 months of school left...yeah, I keep forgetting too. So it's time to put down my excitement and pick up Real Estate Finance (and you wonder why I changed paths!).

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