I have SOOOOO much to learn and SOOOOO much work to do to get my technical skills (among other things) where I'd like them to be, but Jen and Gary have just been incredible mentors to me and continue to be so patient and willing to answer the million and six questions I have every single time I talk to them. When, shortly before Justin and my wedding, they extended an invitation to shoot behind them at some upcoming weddings, I was just blown away- I mean, seriously, that kind of experience is NOT easy to come by!
At these weddings, it was so wonderful to see the real rapport that they have with their clients and to see what fun they have doing what they do. And they were phenomenal when it came to teaching me- the number of times one of them would say something like, "Ooh ooh! Get in there, Cindy- that would be such a great portfolio shot!" or "Don't worry about us, we can shoot around you- get this experience!" It was just so much more than I could ever have expected! Afterward, they sat down and went through every image that I shot and we talked about what I did right and where I needed to work on things- you can't PAY for this kind of one-on-one teaching (well, you can, but it sure doesn't come cheap!) and I just don't have the words to ever thank them enough for all that they are doing for me! Shout out to the Mobbs!
So on to the weddings!
Jennifer & Jason had a New Years Eve wedding bash in Maryland...it was so much fun! Their ceremony took place in a gorgeous church in Frederick followed by the reception at the amazing Ceresville Mansion. I just love the feeling of receptions in a big, old house like that...they just have SO much character!

Late into the evening, the New Year's Eve regalia came out, as did the guests wild side! So much fun...

Sarah & Ian got married January 3rd at the Wren Chapel on the campus of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. It was the first time I'd been back to Williamsburg since my own wedding in November and it was admittedly a little nostalgic! Early in our wedding planning I'd actually investigated the Wren Chapel- it is just so beautiful in that spare, federal manner that I love so much about Williamsburg. Alas, a connection to the College is required to use the Chapel, but it was wonderful to see a ceremony take place there! Their reception was held at the William & Mary Alumni House- another stunning venue! Be patient with me, however, as the reception images will be coming soon...I'm still working on them!
Sarah got ready at her grandparents' house, so there was a ton of laughter and family and hairspray squeezed in together...I loved it!

I couldn't stop taking photos of the food....mmmmmm!!

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